Amberley Davis

Amberley Davis

Feature writer

Amberley is a feature writer with Patient, writing features on a variety of topics relating to health and well-being.

Amberley also works as a freelance writer, raising awareness of issues around homelessness and mental health.

Amberley's web presence

Recent articles

What is Movember?

What is Movember? Feature

It's nearly that time of year again where moustaches sprout up on faces around the world - but why? It's all down to Movember, the movement that started with a …

UK water quality part 1 – is tap water safe?

UK water quality part 1 – is tap water safe? Feature

We drink it every day, and sometimes we swim in it. Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, but growing concerns over sewage pollution have shone a …

Earache relief: medicine and remedies

Earache relief: medicine and remedies Feature

We all get earache from time to time, and while it's no fun, this common problem is usually minor, often clearing without the need for treatment over a few days. But a …

7 vibrant autumn recipes - keep it seasonal

7 vibrant autumn recipes - keep it seasonal Feature

From the warm oranges of squash, pumpkins and carrots to the vibrant purples of blueberries and beetroot, autumn fruits and veggies are as rich in colour as they are in …

How to manage your period in school

How to manage your period in school Feature

Most girls start their periods between 9 and 16 years old, and around half are dealing with them by age 12. This makes school a main setting for first periods, painful …
