Antibody level 2 years after Moderna vaccine

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I had two shots of Moderna vaccine two years ago.

I recently had a Covid Serology test to see if I ever had Covid as I did not seem to have had it but I was curious whether I could be one of the 'silent' carriers. The lab report said that I was negative but they could not offer no advice as to what the level of antibodies they discovered meant.

This is what the lab report had:

Covid19 N Ab

units of measure COI

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) S Protein RBD Binding Ab



Where does 1900 fall on the range for my circumstance? Is this a low, medium or high number two years after vaccination? What would be the average number for my situation? If the number is high is there concern about the anti-bodies being present at high level? Can it cause problems?

Attention to this is appreciated in advance.

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    Hi Mario,

    I wish I had an answer for you, but I have no idea what the 1900.00 number means. Did you get tested for both the N and S proteins antibodies? It looks that way from what you copied from the report. If so, were your results negative for both types of antibodies?

    I got antibody testing a few months ago for both because I was convinced I had covid despite repeatedly testing negative on home and PCR tests. If I hadn't lost smell and taste, I wouldn't have questioned it. After the anybody testing turned out negative for the N protein, I accepted that some other pathogen caused me to lose smell and taste. I still haven't regained it completely. My S protein antibody level was borderline, which means the level wasn't high enough for antibodies to be detected and not low enough to say that they were not detected. I only had one vaccine dose over 2 years ago.

    Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike Protein (S1) BORDERLINE Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 15.5 RU/mL

    Nucleocapsid Protein (N) NOT DETECTED

    I'm not sure which unit of measure they used in your test to come up with 1900.00. I hope you get some answers because I'd be curious to know what that number means also.

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