BV leg pain?

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Hi, I'm 26 I've never have had BV before... last week I went to the doctors cause I was having really bad pain outside my vagina, and cramping. My doctor put me on antibiotics...seems like it's not doing to much the pain outside my vagina comes and goes, but the leg pain will not go away!!!!! It started in my calves and went up to my thighs... it's sensitive to touch? I can't find anything on it.. has anyone else experienced this before?

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    Did your doctor actually do testing such as a wet mount or genital culture to see if it was BV or something else? I had the testing done and it came back as BV the antibiotics did not work I also had pain and discomfort and my legs did seem toBe sore but not to touch I stared talking some ph-d Boric Acid pills I ordered from Amazon and those seem to help but I just had another doctors appointment last Wednesday w/OBGYN to be re tested for everything again and all my results came back negative
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    Your pain that is shooting from the upper thigh and down to the calf of your leg sounds like SCIATICA to me. The Sciatic nerve is very painful and debilitating!!!!  As a patient with this condition, it never goes away. There is no surgery for this condition because this nerve cannot be excised.  You have to just live with it and use creams and liniments from the pharmacy.  And, there are 2 - one in each leg!!

    Be sure and let us know your diagnosis. 


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    I have had my BV since last weekend. I just got my meds yesterday. For about 4 days I have had aching legs from my thighs to bottom of my feet and sharp pain in my back also headaches and I never get headaches. I went to the ER yesterday because the pain was so bad. The doctor said it's because of the BV. I have had a BV off and on for years and never have felt like this. My legs feel weak and I can't stand or walk for too long. It's very frustrating because I work out and due to this now I can't. I'm going to get another opinion from a different doctor because this sounds to abnormal and the pain is scary. Please reply on what your ob says about your pain. 

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      I am having my first ever BV and start meds on Saturday. Today I have muscle pain from my buttocks to my knees after being on my feet for a short time. Now they hurt even when off my feet.

      I was wondering what you found that helped you and if they changed any of your meds?

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    I had a herniated/compressed disc which can cause sciatica 5 years ago. I treated it with acupuncture and chiropractic, and recovered in 3-6months. This time when it came back and traveled down my butt to my leg it was much worse. Like you, I haven't been able to exercise, it's been 6 months of constant pain its making me crazy. My legs are weak and shaky, I'm exhausted, I had to cut my hours at work. I'm up all night because there's pressure on my bladder to pee but nothing to come out. I've been going to the same chiropractor and acupuncturist but this time it's not fixing it. I would see improvement then go backwards. I think its linked to this bv infection I just found out I have. I just started antibiotics and I'm also going to do the h202 douching, and add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to my bath. I'll report back.

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    Im 44 and for some reason i have been plagued with yeast and bv infections for the last 10 years like crazy. Sometimes its hard to know the difference but BV usually starts with shooting pains in my butt and upper thighs and I just feel bad all over. Im bloated and have stabbing pains in my utherus and inside my vigina. It almost feels like I am developing a specific sore on the outside of my vagina but most of the time it doesnt. It just stings when i pee. Bv makes my life miserable. I finally started taking a good probiotic that has helped with both yeast and Bv. Its so expensive i hadnt taken it for awhile and I now have an infection again. So I have started taking them again and they seemed to of helped but its back to the damn dr tomorrow who are useless. I live in a small town and am limited to drs here.

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    Hi Britney I know its been a while since you posted about your leg pain and bv. Im having the same thing and somehow i think it may be linked to the bv that i have. It usually comes and goes but I havent been tracking it along with the leg. Tbh, I was quite surprised to even read of others thinking the same. Did you ever find out what was causing your leg pain?

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      hey mary, i know its been a while since you commented, but recently i started dealing with bv too, my infections come back every time i have intercourse, ever since i have had really bad leg pain, but since the leg pain is more associated with herpes i been scared, surprisingly theres other people dealing with the same.

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  • Edited

    Hi everyone,

    I've read a few of your post and I can't believe I'm not the only one having these symptoms. I wanted to ask do you all remember using a product called Rephresh? Even if it was a while ago. Please let me know. I feel like I didn't start getting bv until after I started using this product. My friend too. I now have to use their probiotic. I just want to see is this something we have in common.

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