Dr Mary Lowth

Dr Mary Lowth

MA (Cantab), MB, BChir, DFFP, DRCOG, PG Cert, Med Ed, FRCGP, MA (London)

Dr Mary Lowth was a Suffolk GP for 20 years, specialising in paediatrics and child protection, and later in documentation of torture.

A medical writer and journalist since 1992, she has written for numerous publications and websites, including Patient and Private Eye.

She qualified in Cambridge in 1988 and, after initially specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology, moved to general practice, becoming a GP trainer, GP Training Programme Director and MRCGP Examiner. She has a Masters in Medical Law and Ethics, and is currently working on a PhD on medical law, focussed on Transplantation. She has also written several novels under the names Mary Selby and Joanna Bell.

Mary's web presence

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