Have a happy healthy Christmas

Whilst many of us take time off over Christmas, our health and mental wellbeing often doesn’t get the chance to rest. With all the extra stress and endulgence over the festive season it’s important to look after ourselves - physically and mentally. 

"For many the festive season is a joyous time spent with loved ones and family - it can also be a stressful and lonely period. We always need to look after our mental health and wellbeing, but the added pressures at Christmas means it is particularly important time for us to consider care for our health. Here we look at ways to self manage our mental wellbeing, doing what you can to stay healthy and where to turn if you need some support or a chat. "

Our Expert

Dr Krishna Vakharia

Clinical Director-Patient

Wether you are having a wild partying Christmas, a family time, or its just you, we give you advice and information as to how to look after yourself. We look at how to deal with the party season, what to do about healthy eating, exercise tips, how to deal with being in a crowded house or being on your own and where to get support and help. Here our experts will help you get through the festive season by looking after your body and mind. 

Managing financial stress during Christmas
Patient's Christmas Cook Off
Navigating Christmas with a chronic illness
How to deal with Christmas indigestion
How to have a healthy Christmas party
Keeping kids active over Christmas
How to manage your heartburn at Christmas
How to cope with a terminal illness at Christmas
What it's like to give birth on Christmas Day
How to stay body positive over Christmas
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