I have extreme fatigue with oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Anyone else? What to do?

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I have temporal lobe epilepsy and I'm taking oxcarbazepine to control my seizures.  It is making me so sleepy that I can hardly function.  This is my sixth medicine to try and this is the only one that has helped.  I just don't know what I should do, since all I do is sleep.  Any suggestions?

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    my so and so laptop wont respond , ,, ok now it is , sorry , my sugestion is either ask for a second oppinion , and or hammer the doctor tell he or she your not happy , tell him you want to go back to your specialist and discuss it , its probably the fact that you are on the wrong medication , and just make them help you ,, i do know how you feel , its awful and no one understands hey , i went through that horrible stage till i went off all medication ,saw another doc , now im a lot better , its trial and error i know , but keep at the doctors hey , 
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    Hi zippyzippydog, so sorry to hear that, I've not really had side effects like that with any of my meds and I have tempera lope epilepsy, tho I've not had a seizure for 8 years. My meds ate topiramate, if suggest going back to your neurologist to talk about how is knocking you out. Sorry I can't be if much more help xxx
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    Hi there 

    sorry to hear that your struggling, I'm a carer for my wife who has multiply elilepcy issues we have found that most AED cause some sort of drowseyness and amount of sleepiness is down to the drug type.

    the wife take tegertol (carbazenpine) which looks like it's the same type as oxcarbazenpine, tegretol is responsible along with clonazepam for causing my wife's sleepiness.

    speak to your neurologist let them know how much this is effecting you there may be other mess better suited to you

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    Six drugs is a lot, over the years I've tried lots of them, actually there's not many in haven’t tried. It sounds like you have Drug Resistant epilepsy just like me. Two months ago I had a VNS fitted so I can control seizures when I feel the warning, it can either shorten the seizure or stop it completely. A VNS is for Vagus Nerve stimulator

    Hope this helps, Karen

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    I was just put on this medication. I feel like I am so heavy and fighting gravity. I dont have the energy to do anything. I am going back to Lamictal. I have been on Lamictal for years. The only reason my new neurologist put me on this is because I was still having visual auras. As you probable already know Lamicatal was originally prescribed for bi-polar on the general public, but was found to work for seizures. I like it a lot. I had no more grandmal seizures after I was put on it. This is a medication you can not miss doses or you will feel weird. I was and plan to be back on max dosage of 300mg BID.

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