Sweet potato gnocchi

  • 40min
  • 4
  • 396 kcal
  • Intermediate
  • Vegetarian
  • Low fat
  • Gluten

Per 300 g contains

396 kcal 1674 kj
6 g
1.1 g
15.7 g
1.5 g

of an adult's recommended intake.
Typical energy values per 100g: 651kj/154kcal

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Authored by Peer reviewed by Rose Constantine Smith
Originally published

Think you've tried everything kind of sweet potato dish possible? These little orange pillows of joy will bring new life to this hearty vegetable.

Gnocchi is an Italian pasta dish made from potatoes, egg and flour. It's simple, but feels gourmet, so you're guaranteed to wow a crowd. Switching up regular potatoes for sweet potatoes gives this dish a pop of colour and the added benefit of vitamin A, which helps in maintaining good eyesight.


For the gnocchi
  • 2 Sweet potatos, medium
    300g 10.6oz
  • Plain flour
    250g 8.8oz
  • Egg
For the sauce
  • Plum tomatoes, fresh
    500g 17.6oz
  • Rosemary
    1 tbsp/12.7g 0.5oz
  • Rapeseed oil
    1 tbsp/11g 0.4oz
  • Salt
    1 tsp/5g
  • Pepper
    1 tsp/2g
  • Garlic powder
    1 tsp/5g
  • Chilli powder
    1 tsp/3g
  • Paprika
    1 tsp/3g
Show all

Cooking Method

  1. Start by peeling the sweet potatoes and cutting them into thirds. Place them in a saucepan, cover with water and add a pinch of salt. Boil until completely soft.
  2. Drain the potatoes and mash until smooth. Leave this to cool.
  3. Crack the egg into the cooled mash and mix. Add the flour bit by bit until it forms a potato-like dough. Form the dough into a rough ball and wrap in clingfilm. Leave to chill in the fridge until just before cooking.
  4. While the dough cools, preheat the oven to 200°C (180°C fan.) Throw the tomatoes on to a baking dish and drizzle with the rapeseed oil and rosemary. Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Once the tomatoes are done, place them into a blender with all of the other herbs and spices. Blend until smooth and set aside.
  6. In order to make the gnocchi, make sure that your dough is completely chilled. Remove from the fridge and place on to a floured surface to avoid sticking. For easier management divide the dough into quarters and work with one at a time. Roll out the quarter into a long, relatively thin sausage shape. Cut along the line in half inches to form little pillows of the dough. Repeat this until all the dough has been used.
  7. Boil some salted water in a pan. Once bubbling, drop in the gnocchi pillows. They won't take long to cook - once they have risen to the top of the water, remove them.
  8. In a separate frying pan pour in the sauce and heat until simmering. Once all the gnocchi have been boiled, tip them into the sauce and stir until everything is covered.
  9. Serve hot straight from the pan. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information

Typical Valuesper 100gper 300g serving
154 kcal
651 kj
396 kcal
1674 kj
of which saturates
2.3 g
0.4 g
6 g
1.1 g
of which sugars
27.8 g
6.1 g
71.5 g
15.7 g
Fibre2.7 g
6.9 g
Protein4.2 g
10.8 g
Salt0.6 g
1.5 g

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of dietary fibre, helping to keep the digestive system healthy and regular. They also contain a high amount of beta caretones (vitamin A) in the colouring of the vegetable, which help to maintain healthy eyes and eyesight.


A single tomato provides about 40% of the RDI of vitamin C, which could help to prevent cancer cells from growing. They also contain a large amount of vitamin K which is essential for blood clotting and controlling bleeding. Not bad for a simple sauce! 

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