Scratch-like marks appearing on skin What is causing this? [picture inside]

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Hi, recently I've been getting these marks like this on my skin. Earlier today a line like this appeared on my skin seemingly out of nothing. I didn't feel anything when it happened. What can be causing this? Picture: I *definitely* did not scratch myself. They look like straight scratches but I did some research and they may be burrow marks of some kind. I have also been feeling itchy at night though I do not know what the cause of it is or whether it is related to this.

I have been getting large ones like this and also much smaller ones on my hands and arms and occasionally other places. A few hours later after I took this photo another large scratch-like mark appeared nearby on the same area in plain sight and I was really astonished and miffed about it. I suspect it is from a bug of some kind. What could this be? Thank you.


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    This looks like a plain old attack of scabies the 'V' marks are where the mite left its feces but please take what I put as read you are better seeing your GP about this before it irritates you more and you can and do scratch yourself in your sleep leaving open sores that could go sceptic.  If your GP's appointment is some time aways get some good old calamine lotion to ease the itching


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    I had the problem & wasn't being taken seriously by doctors.They all told me it was an allergy or " normal". Wasn't normal!!!

    I decided to change my diet. I cut all processed foods and sugars. AAnother wards junk food. I now do not have this skin condition any more. Go through a checklist & try to figure it out. Wash clothes and sheets regularly, change diet, exercise . it also may be an allergy . Good luck to you. Take care.

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    hi glad i found your post, i have had this problem since the age of 20 (now 43) so far no explanation apart from being told that some people do manifest unusual skin symptoms.  I was suspicious as it first started after a trip to Thailand, I was also worried about being infectious but they found very little apart from slightly elevated white cell count. 

    At the time I felt very run down and had various mild but persistant symptoms. I was also told by one dermatologist that it must be the cat!  Did he think i was some kind of idiot, it had happened probably a hundred times!  So it happens when i am run down which was today on my forehead.  yes i agree with other post you have to watch diet and be healthy.  No mine is not scabies.  They don't really know what it is, that worries me, but I gave up on it as I did what i could (saw infectious diseases specialist, several dermatologists) i also did a skin biopsy but it just showed scar tissue consistent with a scratch.  Perhaps a more sophisticated test might have picked something up, but these options were not available to me so I reluctantly gave up on it.  If i could take a video of it appearing that might help but i haven't got anything that works well enough so close up.. If you managed to video it u could show to gp or something.  Let me know if you find anything out.

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      Hi Sophie,

      i just came across your post. I have the same condition as mentioned above, with weird scratch like marks appearing seemingly out of nowhere. The weird thing is, it ALSO started happening to me after my recent trip to Thailand. That was when i noticed it I didn't think there could be a relation until now, since you mentioned it. I know this post was written two years ago, but if you see this maybe we can discuss symptoms and places you went in Thailand? Grateful that i read your post and see that im not the only one.


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    Hello everyone,

    I, too have this skin problem.  My dermatologist was baffled and had never seen anything like it.  He did a biopsy and it showed some inflammation.  I also get red streaks appearing and disapperaring and occasionally red spots that bleed.  I eat a healthy diet, not much sugar, lots of fruit and veg etc.  I have been taking tumeric and probiotics.  Does not seem to make a difference.   If anyone has further info let me know!  Thanks

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    me too. 4 years I have suffered with this mysterious ailment. Would love to figure it out. 
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    This just happened to me today. I know I didn’t scratch myself on anything and it’s weird cause the skin don’t appear to be broken on top like a normal scratch would be it’s mkre under the skin. But I felt a stinging pain and pushed my thick sweater sleeve up and I have 4-5 big long lines on my forearm. I know I didn’t do a thing to cause them myself they popped up our of nowhere. And they hurt like a cat scratch would but there’s no actual roughed up or broken skin on top. So weird. I’ve had it happen a few times before recently but never this big and usually only one small on at a time on my hands. 
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    My 2yo son and I both get these scratch marks. Initially mosquito like bites were present as well but we don’t get those so much anymore. Now my symptoms are mainly vibrating sensations under the skin and occasional scratch marks. My son’s pediatrician does not know how to help!

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